In Conversation with Ju De Paula, Interior Design Masters

The Blooming Home Society is a home decorating online community that inspires and teaches, creative women how to design their own happy homes that feel like them so that they can live a more colourful life!   
In Conversation with Ju De Paula, Interior Design Masters
What inspired you to be an interior designer?
My mum. She loves interiors, I grew up in a VERY colourful house... it was always sunshine inside our home!
So I wanted to help other people to have the same experience.
Our homes have a BIG impact on our wellbeing. It's where we recharge our batteries and get the energy to become who we want to be! 
Imagine how amazing if everyone could start their days feeling good?  Wouldn't the world be a little bit brighter?! That's why I became an interior designer.

If they were to make a toy action figure of you, what would your accessory be?
That's easy... A bunch of Dahlias and a pretty teacup! 
Life is SO much better with fresh flowers and a hot cup of tea! 

To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life within the design world has taken?
I started to take control when I created Blueberry Living & Co and decided this time I would be more niche and only attract clients and students that had very similar taste to mine. Since then, it has been incredible, and every day I wake up excited to work and create more! 
In Conversation with Ju De Paula, Interior Design Masters
What would be your dream interior project?
Designing a chateau in France for a client who loves florals, bold colours and it's not afraid to be daring! 

What's something you know you do differently than most people?
My style is very much me, my experiences and happy memories.  
I don't design for the trends or for the look... I like imperfection and authenticity.
And because I believe that joy can be triggered from the outside... 
I design for the feeling... for radiating happiness and sunshine. 
My style can be described as hyper-feminine, colourful, patterned, bright and airy with a touch of Alice in Wonderland to it - I love how imaginative and playful this story is! 
In Conversation with Ju De Paula, Interior Design Masters
If you could go back in time and speak to your adolescent self, what advice would you give them about the design world?
Stay curious, listen to your instinct, push yourself out of your comfort zone and follow your fears, they are the arrows pointing to where you should go! 
And most importantly... Don't chase the butterflies, look after your garden and they will come to you! Life is so much brighter when we stop the comparison game and focus on how to become who we want to be!
Instagram - @blueberrylivingco